Farrah Abraham Asks Her OnlyFans Customers To Buy Her the Most Random– and Unhinged— Things on Amazon


It’s the holiday season: time to give a gift to those people in your life who have brightened up the year for you: a teacher, a gardener…your favorite over-30 “Teen Mom” who puts her naughty bits on The Interwebs for cash!

Farrah Abraham Returns to Teen Mom for New MTV Spinoff Show

This week, Farrah bragged online about all of the gifts people were purchasing for her from her Amazon wishlist, which is posted on her OnlyFans page. This, of course, made The Ashley curious, so she decided to take a gander at what items Farrah is hoping to find under her Christmas tree this year. 

Raise your hand if all the ornaments on your tree feature your own face on them….

Anyway, the unhinged list of items Farrah wants people to buy her made The Ashley chuckle…and then shake her head realizing people are spending their hard-earned money on these things.

For instance, Farrah asks for sexy time stuff such as a, um, realistic rubber version of, um, “man meat.” (The Ashley has to be careful how she describes this so bear with me). The rubbery reproductive organ also has a feature that allows it to squirt, um, fake “man juice” during use.

Why, why, why…why did I look at this list?

The Ashley’s face right now…

Right next to that is Farrah’s next request: several cross necklaces. (Everyone knows the Baby Jesus (God Leah) will look the other way about the squirting semen blaster, as long as the user wears a cross around her neck!)

Farrah also asks you to buy her disposable training pads (which The Ashley really, really hopes are for her puppy, but, given Farrah’s past antics, you never know.) 

If you’re not down to buy Farrah stuff for her pup, you can also just purchase her a big ol’ jar of dopamine. Seriously. 

Farrah also wants an insane amount of cheap fur coats, pickleball attire and a candle that says “Gold Digger.” As one does…