RHOC Recap: Shannon Lashes Out at Heather & Tamra After She’s Accused of Lying About $75K Loan & Podcast Interview, Shares Proof Alexis Was Tied to Jim’s Lawsuit, and Leaks Her Text After Snubbing Her From Trip


The London trip is underway on this episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County.  Shannon is ready to celebrate her 60th, but Tamra and Heather appear to have other plans that include calling her out on some “lies.”  Shannon reveals that SHE is not the liar and that a text from 2018 shows the truth…

RHOC Recap: Shannon Lashes Out at Heather & Tamra After She’s Accused of Lying About $75K Loan & Podcast Interview, Leaks Text That Alexis Was Tied to Jim’s Lawsuit, and Heather Feels Used by Shannon, Plus Katie Reveals She Found Her Birth Mother

Being proactive with health is the best thing a person can do, so Heather has managed to wrangle Jenn, Shannon, and Gina to come with her to get mammograms.  While waiting for the doctor, Jenn explains that she was with Alexis when she received THE text from Shannon, you know the one where Shannon very bluntly explains that Alexis will not be invited on the London trip.

Shannon lets the group know Alexis sent her a response text, stating that if Shannon can host this London trip, surely she can “scrounge up the funds” to pay her future husband the money he has asked for. Ooph.  Shannon calls Alexis #delusional and pops off until Heather reminds her that they are in the hospital. 

Alexis' Text Message to Shannon

Shannon Leaks Alexis’ Text

Jenn lets the doctor know that she has a lump in her left breast that she noticed like five months ago.  She fears that she will have to deliver more bad news to her kids, but thankfully, it does not look cancerous. Heather learns that because she has dense breasts, she has a higher rate of cancerous cells.  This is some scary stuff, yet none of the ladies ask Heather about HER results.  They all cheer that they are free and clear, highlighting how self-absorbed this group is.

Packing for London has proven to be difficult for all of these women. Shannon brings in Sophie, her daughter, to help and Shannon talks about how excited she is for the upcoming trip.

As Tamra packs, she fills Eddie in on apologizing to Jenn, despite just being “honest.” In the meantime, Ryan wonders how Jenn will be able to travel with Tamra.  They are onto her cycle and how her apologies are just words, since ain’t nothing is going to change the way Tamra behaves.

Heather and Katie are the first at the airport and things are awkward until Shannon arrives, cutting the tension.  Listening to these ladies attempt a British accent is mind numbing, btw. Before they land, Emily brushes her teeth and rinses with Dr. Pepper.  As Katie puts it, “What in the Ohio dental hygiene is happening right now?”  

They arrive in London ready to celebrate Shannon, the Duchess of Corona Del Mar. A tour of the penthouse ends with some afternoon tea, where Shannon passes out a bowl of keys to figure out the room situation.  They split up to get ready before the boat ride and Shannon gives everyone English themed gifts, including Burberry scarves. This causes Tamra and Heather to question why Shannon is not paying off the lawsuit instead. But the thing THEY don’t know is that Shannon DID offer to pay Johnny J. back, but John refused the non-disparagement agreement.

When left alone, Heather and Tamra discuss Shannon’s recent stint on Jeff Lewis’s podcast (I think it’s time Bravo give Jeff Lewis a show already- he also caused some drama on RHONY).  Heather remembers from the podcast that Shannon said to John, “I wish I could get a low interest loan- well, you have money.” Shannon just admitted that she had a loan with Johnny J., so why is she not paying him back? Heather points out that in Sonoma, Shannon told her this whole story that John heard the accident and didn’t come to help her. Heather does not understand why Shannon is telling her one thing and then going on Jeff Lewis and saying something different.  Tamra believes that Shannon is lying and Heather wonders if she is being used so that Shannon can play the victim.

The ladies trying to hook Shannon up with a date is obnoxious.  Thank God for the scenery and these ridiculous British flag bucket hats they are donning. Luckily, the life jackets needed for the rocket boat matches said bucket hats.  But one thing for sure always makes me laugh and that is Housewives on a boat. Of course Heather does not find this fun at all and Shannon is ready to get off.

Later, as they get ready for dinner, we are all left to wonder why Jenn is getting glam done when she is having financial issues.  She can just be like Gina and do it herself. Gina claims that when she does get her makeup done, she asks what they do, and admits, “It’s a scam.  I’m a regular Ryan.”

When Katie asks Jenn about Tamra, Jenn explains that she feels like Tamra likes to blur people in Ryan’s life to try and make him look shady.  However, this recent FBI accusation does make Katie look at Ryan differently.

Over dinner, Tamra brings up the mammogram trip and this gives Heather a chance to let the girls know that her feelings are hurt since no one even asked her.  Based on her family history and dense tissue, Heather has a 40% chance of getting breast cancer.  Heather is unsure what her next move is, but explains that the whole reason she took the girls with her is that she was worried about them.  Heather becomes emotional because no one asked what happened with her.

Gina cannot believe that Heather has waited this long to bring up her feelings, and points out the hypocrisy since she rode Gina quite some time for waiting to tell her about the paparazzi rumors.

Katie shares that for her 40th birthday, she will be heading to Korea to meet her 55-year-old birth mother.  She kept Katie for three days and realized that she was too young to have a baby.  Katie gets upset thinking about the life she was given and wants to let her birth mother know that she is ok.

Tamra, of course, brings up Shannon’s recent time on the Jeff Lewis show. Despite John giving Shannon money, there was no promissory note and John never asked for the money.  BUT John later sent her a promissory note. However, Tamra claims Shannon TOLD her that she borrowed the money from John. 

Tamra was shocked that Shannon talked about this lawsuit for an hour on the podcast and Heather lets her know she was disturbed by the picture Shannon showed her in Sonoma.  Heather explains that when she heard Shannon say “she never really thought about” John hearing the accident on the podcast, it made her feel used.  Heather thinks that Shannon did it as propaganda, but Shannon is bewildered how Heather turned this to be about her. 

Shannon gets upset and Jenn reminds Heather that Shannon felt comfortable saying things to her. Shannon explains that this is a reality show trickling into her real life. She felt like she could talk to Heather, but Tamra jumps in to say that Shannon is not the victim.  Shannon then storms off after “being caught in a lie,” but Gina wonders why it matters right now.  As Shannon turns, she blurts out that she is not the victim because she is working on herself.  Tamra chuckles outright and then explains she is, “just laughing because I’m looking at you through bars.  You look like you’re in jail.” Not nice.

Tamra thinks that Shannon wanted Jeff to do her dirty work and talk about John. Tamra refuses to be that person for Shannon any more.  Gina runs to Shannon’s aide and a distraught Shannon feels like Heather betrayed her. She is in shock over Heather and wonders why Heather is making this about her.  Shannon also thinks that Tamra is in kahoots with Alexis.

And then Shannon brings out the RECEIPTS. PROOF. TIMELINE.  The night she texted Alexis about the trip, text history came up as the phone number was typed in.  This history was dated 2018 and it is DAMNING.  All this time Alexis swears she had no part of the 2018 lawsuit against Tamra and Shannon, but this text says otherwise. Alexis wrote, “We have engaged an attorney and will be suing you and Tamra. You will be hearing from our attorney tomorrow.”   It’s a smoking gun. Turns out the biggest liar here is Alexis.  Shannon let Tamra know this news right away, yet Shannon is the liar?! Shannon refuses to be the bad guy here.  Tell me how Tamra came to Shannon’s party and just ganged up on her…