The Golden Bachelor: Leslie Fhima Should Give Gerry Turner Another Chance


Though The Golden Bachelor ended with Gerry Turner marrying Theresa Nist, the two have recently divorced, and runner-up Leslie Fhima should give Gerry another shot. Gerry, the 72-year-old widower and retired restaurateur, dated 22 single women but ultimately whittled down his options to 70-year-old Theresa and 65-year-old Leslie. Gerry told both of the final two women that he loved them, but he gave his final rose to Theresa, sending Leslie home heartbroken and in tears.

The Golden Bachelor: Leslie Fhima Should Reconcile With Gerry Turner

Gerry and Theresa wasted no time planning their Golden Bachelor wedding. Despite the revelation that Gerry had been in a serious relationship before filming, their wedding aired on January 4 in a highly anticipated television special attended by many Bachelor Nation stars, including Leslie. Hopes were high for the couple after the dream wedding, but they announced their split in April. Considering Gerry's marriage to Theresa was so short, it's worth asking if he should have picked Leslie instead. Though she may still be stinging from the rejection, Leslie should consider dating Gerry again.


Leslie Fhima & Gerry Turner's Journey

Is She Over Him?

Though Leslie caught Gerry's eye on night one of The Golden Bachelor, the fitness instructor from Minneapolis, Minnesota, wasn't one of the front-runners early in the competition. Gerry seemed more interested in Theresa and the 60-year-old motorcycle enthusiast Faith Martin. It wasn't until later in the season that Gerry and Leslie got close. The mother of three revealed she had been married and divorced twice and had been single for 22 years following her most recent divorce.

While Gerry and Leslie grew close while filming The Golden Bachelor, Gerry broke Leslie's heart. Gerry seemed to lead Leslie on until the last moment, even telling her she was "the one." It was hard for Leslie to understand why he would say something like that only to pick someone else. It was difficult for Leslie to then attend Gerry's wedding to Theresa. In an interview with Bachelor Happy Hour, Leslie couldn't say she had much respect for Gerry.

She continues to harbor strong feelings towards him and isn't over what happened between them on the show.

Leslie & Gerry Are Compatible

Same Vibes

Gerry and Theresa always seemed to have fun together, but they weren't very compatible on paper. Theresa works in finance and comes off as a structured, type-A personality who knows what she wants and gets things done. In contrast, Gerry presents a more relaxed energy that's similar to Leslie's. Though Gerry and Theresa always got along, that doesn't mean they were good together in the long run.

Theresa and Leslie became friends during the process, but the two women are very different; even their fashion sense sets them apart. Theresa dresses in a more clean-cut, conservative, tailored manner, while Leslie's style leans younger. Leslie's quiet charm seems to be a better match for Gerry's sociable energy. When Gerry told Leslie she was the one, it was believable because the two made more sense together than Gerry and Theresa did.

Though Theresa seems like a wonderful person, it's clear she was never Gerry's person.

Leslie & Gerry Are Both In The Midwest

Location, Location, Location

One of the main reasons behind Gerry and Theresa's divorce was the distance between them. The Golden Bachelor couple couldn't agree on a place to live. Gerry lived in Indiana in a lake house he had built with his late wife, while Theresa lived and worked in New Jersey. Both of them live near family and would find it difficult to relocate. Additionally, Theresa's work would make it hard for her to leave the East Coast for the Midwest. This illustrates one of the biggest challenges facing couples who meet later in life.

On the other hand, Leslie already lives in the Midwest and shares Gerry's Midwestern values. She's from Minneapolis, Minnesota, which isn't next door to Gerry in Indiana, but she's certainly closer than Theresa in New Jersey. Life in the Midwest is very different from life in New Jersey. A couple in their 70s, like Gerry and Theresa, would likely find it difficult to change their lifestyle so drastically at this stage in their lives, whereas Leslie and Gerry would easily fit into each other's worlds.

There's also the matter of work. While Theresa's career in finance would understandably keep her on the East Coast, Leslie's job as a fitness trainer could be done from anywhere. That being said, like Gerry and Theresa, Leslie also has her children and grandchildren to consider. This would be true of almost anyone who's looking for love in their golden years.

Will Leslie Give Gerry Another Shot?

She Should Set Aside Her Pride

Gerry Turner Leslie Fhima The Golden Bachelor seated on a couch smiling at each other

Now that Gerry is single again, there has been some speculation about whether Leslie will ever date Gerry again. The Golden Bachelor star was asked about it during an interview on the Playing The Field podcast, which aired on YouTube. She revealed she knew about Gerry and Theresa's divorce a couple of days before the news broke. She said she had spent time with the couple in April when they all appeared on Celebrity Family Feud.

“ We were all hanging out together and had a really good time ,” Leslie said. “ We laughed and had meals together, so I guess I was shocked [by the divorce]. I didn’t see that coming .”

When asked if she would ever consider rekindling the romance with The Golden Bachelor, she insisted she would not. Leslie explained she didn't hate Gerry but simply didn't want to feel like anyone's second choice. Though it's understandable for her to feel that way after being publicly rejected, she shouldn't let pride dictate her romantic journey.

For his part, Gerry has already been spotted attending a dating event.

If Gerry had chosen Leslie instead of Theresa, perhaps he wouldn't be looking for someone new while going through a public breakup. Though Gerry hasn't handled any of this well, he probably realizes he made a mistake by letting Leslie go. Leslie should give Gerry a chance to make it up to her.

Gerry Turner

72 years old

Retired restaurateur

Hudson, Indiana

Leslie Fhima

65 years old

Fitness trainer

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Theresa Nist

70 years old


Shrewsbury, New Jersey