Relationships and friendships are always hard to navigate. On this episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle and Mauricio address the paparazzi photo (kind of) while Dorit and PK try to figure out the next steps. Bozoma hosts a girls’ trip to Saint Lucia, but the unresolved issues between Sutton and Dorit continue to cause friction within the group.
Dorit pays a visit to Erika and ooh and aahs over her redesigned crib. And when you see Dorit, you know Boz is close behind. Boz brings some Saint Lucia gifts, not to be confused with a housewarming gift. She is amped to be planning a drama-free girls’ trip (how cute and naïve of Boz) and claims that “it’s gonna be a fashion show-a real fashion show” in Saint Lucia when the women rock her gifted gear. Such a blow at Sutton.
In the meantime, Garcelle and Sutton chat about the “fashion roadkill,” aka Kathy Hilton at Sutton’s fashion show. You cannot help but laugh at Kathy’s faux pas. Sutton is still keeping her relationship with Dorit on ice. Garcelle fills her in on the dinner she had with Dorit. Garcelle chuckles over Dorit admitting that if Sutton gave her a Kelly bag their “one-sided” beef would be over.
The teams are becoming clearer when Erika points out that Sutton and Garcelle had no problem talking about her when she was going through her lowest lows. According to Erika, Sutton is now looking for sympathy because someone said something about her. However, it seemed more like Garcelle was asking Erika out of concern, whereas Dorit was poking Sutton to deliberately hurt her…
Dorit points out that Garcelle looks at Sutton through rose-colored glasses. Boz feels like it’s hypocritical that her friendship defending Dorit always gets called out when Garcelle and Sutton do the same thing. It’s only natural that this threesome will be rooming together in Saint Lucia. Alliances have formed.
Now that Kyle and Dorit have made up, it is clear that the relationship with Sutton and Kyle is back to being shaky. This bothers Sutton. She really wants to be good friends with Kyle, so much so that she pussyfoots her way around the topic of Mo and the mystery Mykonos woman. Garcelle wonders why the group can’t ask Kyle about her Morgan hang outs, but Sutton appears scared of making Kyle angry. Instead, Sutton maps out a way to introduce the topic without demanding answers.
Boz hand delivers the Saint Lucia gift bag to Kyle. Ever since the conversation at Dorit’s house, the duo has been making an effort to get to know each other better. Kyle appreciates the text from Boz after the Mo photo came out and she gets emotional explaining her separation. Things seem more finite now that Mo has moved out.
Boz understands how much seeing Mo with another woman still hurts, even if they are separated. She, too, had a situation like this with her dying husband and another woman. They were separated, but he clearly moved on, as this woman was by his side in the hospital.
Kyle swears that Mo is embarrassed by this, as he does not want to hurt her or the girls. The photo seems to have changed things timeline wise in Kyle’s mind, and it has given Kyle “permission to move forward.” She braces herself to meet with Mo face to face.
Speaking of meeting face to face, Dorit doesn’t even know how to greet PK after their 3 month separation. This roller coaster has been doing a number on Dorit. PK makes his sober drink order and Dorit orders her cocktail, minus her usual “carcass out” commands. Dorit feels like something shifted in PK recently, but PK explains that Dorit still tries to dictate his moves.
“One of the significant issues in our marriage were your control issues,” says PK to Dorit “And less than a few weeks in, you’re dictating where I’m gonna live. And that’s in the backdrop of me knowing that you’re in our house, and I’m taking this really small apartment. Which was, in my life, as humble as it’s ever been. And it felt like an approval process that I didn’t want to go through.”
Dorit realizes that they have different views, but wonders why PK would write the long financial email to her. PK claims it is a summary of how she has made him feel and explains that he suggested a lawyer to help them communicate their issues. Dorit feels like PK is ahead of her with legal things and asks him if he wants a divorce.
PK tells Dorit that she brings out the worst in him. They need to focus on co-parenting and finding their friendship that they lost. PK is not certain on a future of divorce, but Dorit is begging for some clarity. PK seems to be the one in control of this situation and it’s driving Dorit bonkers.
Boz is having her boyfriend, Keely, over for dinner so they can have some one on one time with her daughter, Lael. Lael asks some questions about them moving in together before marriage and the number of children they hope to one day have- all questions her MOTHER should already know the answers to, but alas, does not… Lael really puts the pressure on Keely, but Boz is confident that Keely measures up to her ex-husband.
Kyle finally gets the opportunity to chat with Mo about the photo that has rocked her to the core. She asks about his European trip and he states he only partied “like 5 nights out of the 25 nights” he was there. The elephant in the room is HUGE and he talks about wanting to travel without his family so he could “run around and make decisions last minute.”
Mo is first to break the ice and apologizes for hurting Kyle with the photo in Mykonos. He promises that he didn’t do it on purpose, but Kyle isn’t so sure the other person didn’t plan this. Kyle explains that they are separated and so they are able to do what they want at this time, but clearly Mo is ready to move on. Kyle is unsure how they even got to this point in their lives (it might have something to do with Morgan), but this is too difficult to come back from. Not sure these two know how to talk to each other. Another couple that suffers from communication issues…
The ladies are busy packing for Saint Lucia, the only country in the world named after a woman (thanks for the fun fact, Boz). Kyle is so looking forward to this girls’ trip so she can escape the recent issues with Mo. Boz has created a packed itinerary and it is clear she loves being in charge, but a commercial flight?! Lisa Barlow could never.
The police escort leads the ladies to their resort that is decorated for the birthdays. The rooming situation is explained without much complaining and this feels a little too easy so far. There are personalized pillows and Erika admits that Boz may be giving Kathy Hilton a run for her money.
Jennifer Tilly bemoans the fact that her nightly candy spilled out during her travels. WTF. But she’s able to get it together enough to debrief with Sutton and Garcelle. Sutton feels some weird vibes from Dorit and that MIGHT be because of the way things ended after the Caviar Kaspia event. Sutton wonders how Dorit can forgive Kyle so easily, but Garcelle points out that it’s always been like that. Jennifer acknowledges that this is a difficult group to crack. Sutton becomes upset because she feels like Garcelle is the only one who would truly support her. Even Kyle wouldn’t stand up for her, which begs the question, why does Sutton continuously stand up for Kyle?
24 hours later, Sutton is seemingly getting attacked by Erika and Dorit. So much for everyone liking her…and now I totally get why Jennifer needs to stress eat candy when she’s with this group.