RHOBH Recap: Sutton Calls Dorit a “B–ch” as Boz is Accused of Blindly Defending Dorit, Sutton’s Mom Says “I Love You,” Kyle Bonds With Dorit and Confronts Boz, Plus Boz Opens Up About Losing a Baby, and Mo is Caught Kissing a Mystery Woman


In an effort to regain some normalcy, Dorit has decided to host a 4th of July barbecue on this episode of  The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  Sutton is less than stoked to be attending the party, especially after coming back from her Augusta trip. The tension between Sutton and Dorit boils over and Kyle becomes frustrated that Bozoma continues to be Dorit’s spokesperson. But once Kyle and Dorit realize they (unfortunately) have more in common than not, they bond over their crumbling marriages.

RHOBH Recap: Sutton Calls Dorit a "B--ch" as Boz is Accused of Blindly Defending Dorit, Plus Sutton's Mom Says "I Love You," Kyle Bonds With Dorit and Confronts Boz Over Her Comment, and Mo is Caught Kissing a Mystery Woman

As they prepare to leave Sutton’s Augusta home, Garcelle and Kyle confess that they overheard the conversation Sutton had with her mom, Reba.  Sutton calls the trip “emotional,” but feels satisfied with the way things are ending. Sutton almost doesn’t want to leave Georgia! Kyle is also not looking forward to ending the trip, since she is going home to an empty house. To end the trip on a high note, Reba says she loves Sutton ON CAMERA- a moment captured in history.  Sutton is over the moon and finally gets what she has always wanted to hear.

Back on the west coast, Bozoma sits down for some girl talk with her cousin, Tina. Boz discusses her hopes to have another child and explains that the fertility doctor is flying to California.  This doctor wants Boz’s boyfriend to give samples, and suddenly her pregnancy journey has become very real. Boz wonders if the more she thinks about becoming a mother again, the scarier it all feels.

Boz opens up about her unplanned first pregnancy.  She lost the baby almost six months in. Two months after the tragic loss, she decided she was ready to become a mother.  It was a terrifying experience for her 15 years ago carrying her daughter to term, so she is extremely worried about whatever may come this time around.

As Sutton prepares for Dorit’s party, she states she will play nice, but things are still tense between the ladies.  Speaking of tense, Kyle is irked that Boz referred to her as “cold” in front of a few of the ladies. Erika, the deliverer of the message, is hopeful that Kyle and Boz can find some time to connect at the barbecue.

Dorit’s intention is to make a fun time for her kids, but since PK is missing, she feels like something is off. She takes her sweet old time getting ready, which causes a very-prompt Sutton to wait for nearly 20 minutes in Dorit’s home.  Sutton is aghast that there is no one there to greet her upon arrival, and this absolutely puts another check in the “annoyed-about-Dorit” box for Sutton.

Kyle arrives next, poking fun at the entryway shrine of PK and Dorit photos.  When Dorit finally comes down the stairs, she is less than thrilled to have Kyle and Sutton be the first guests, since she has her own problems with each of them.  An uncomfortable exchange occurs between Dorit and Sutton over a pocketbook, and it is evident that Dorit is still not over Sutton interrupting her.

More of the ladies trickle in and Garcelle innocently asks Sutton what she is drinking.  Dorit retorts, “Didn’t you ask Sutton what she’s drinking and you ask if there’s alcohol in it?!” Dang, Dorit. Throwing the shade at Sutton about her drinking. Dorit has never apologized for perpetuating that rumor insinuating Sutton has a drinking problem and so, Sutton tells Dorit she is being a “b*tch.”

This in turn, sets Dorit off, refusing to be called a b*tch in her own home. Sutton is tired of fighting with Dorit and she storms off, claiming she is leaving the party.  As Garcelle heads to Sutton’s aid, she reminds Dorit that Sutton is still sensitive from the rumors last season. Dorit is p*ssed that Kyle and Garcelle run after “the little cry baby” and reminds them to “make sure you have a drink in your hand” for Sutton.

Sutton is livid that Dorit would stoop that low and when Boz rolls up, she greets the crew by saying “excuse me, b*tches.”  Honestly, it’s not the time now, Boz.  Dorit is thrilled to have some good energy enter, aka people on her side.  Garcelle lets Sutton know it was just a bad joke and Sutton states she was being nice drinking Dorit’s nasty a*s watermelon drink. Kyle thinks it’s rich that Sutton was picking on her for leaving Boz’s wellness day, and here Sutton is, trying to get out when the situation gets hot. Nonetheless, Kyle and Garcelle rally around Sutton.

Dorit lets Kyle know that Sutton wants this to be a sisterhood and wonders why Sutton is making a huge deal about a joke. Does it mean there is something bigger under the surface when it comes to Sutton? Erika arrives as Sutton is about to leave. Sutton fills Erika is on Dorit’s comments about vodka, but all Erika can think about is getting her hot dog, and honestly girl, same.

Boz makes her way over to the group and asks Sutton to come into the house. Garcelle wants Boz to stop being Dorit’s spokesperson, but Boz figures it’s just better to have the ladies coddle Sutton.  Kyle is annoyed that Boz defends Dorit without even knowing what is going on.  Dorit is ecstatic to have Boz’s support and wants Sutton to stop being a “douche.”

After far too much back and forth, Sutton remains true to her word and leaves. Sutton makes it clear that Dorit’s problems are not her problems and so she removes herself from the situation. Garcelle states that Sutton left because she did not feel welcome and reminds Dorit that she “led the charge.” Boz feels like if someone calls her a b*tch in her own home, it is fighting words.

Garcelle calls Boz out on her “spirit of sisterhood” when she came in and called them rude before.  She reminds Boz that she doesn’t know the whole situation, but Garcelle is acting sort of like Sutton’s body guard now.  Erika realizes this hypocrisy and wonders why everyone is so threatened by the Dorit/Boz friendship.

Kyle feels like she did connect with Boz, so it is interesting that Boz told the ladies she felt as though Kyle was cold. Boz feels like she has had deep conversations with everyone but Kyle and the “vibes aren’t vibing.” Kyle believes that Boz’s loyalty to Dorit put a damper on any chance of them forming a friendship. Kyle refers to Boz as Judge Judy and reminds Boz that she has never even met PK!

Kyle claims that she has shared so much with the group and Dorit jumps in to say she doesn’t even know what’s going on with Kyle’s life. Kyle feels like Dorit is so all over Boz it’s “actually gross.” Kyle is sick of Dorit backing up everything Boz is saying and wants Dorit to just leave it be so she can continue having her conversation with Boz. Dorit feels like Kyle is clawing at her, despite them saying they would have a fresh start just two weeks earlier.

Kyle and Dorit step inside to cool off, literally and figuratively.  Dorit shows Kyle how messy her life is right now.  There are boxes everywhere and her things are all over the place.  They share battle stories about what happened when their husbands left the homes. Kyle explains how weird it felt to take Mo’s closet and that when Mo bought furniture for his new place it seemed finite.

Dorit asks Kyle outright if she would like to be back together with Mo, but Kyle explains that she wants to take this time to figure out what’s next. Kyle does not want to continue her life in separation limbo.  She admits that they have been in denial about the situation they are in, but it’s hard to discuss divorce.

Dorit feels like PK has lived with the thought of being separated while she is still trying to wrap her head around her new life. Dorit is happy to be leaning on Kyle once again, especially because this stagnant life is not allowing her to experience independence.  Dorit thinks that PK is ahead of her and wonders if he is with someone.  Kyle reminds Dorit it would be hard for PK to keep that under wraps considering their public lives, but alas, one week later, Mo gets caught with a mystery woman in Greece. Kyle is blindsided by this…