Ryan Edwards’ Fiancée Amanda Conner Reveals Her Post-Birth Plan as a Former Addict


Ryan Edwards and his fiancée Amanda Conner welcomed a baby girl this week, but days before Baby Edwards No. 4 made her debut, Amanda revealed how she planned to give birth– and recover from said birth– as a former addict. 

As fans of ‘Teen Mom’ know, Amanda and Ryan met while spending time in the same rehab facility back in 2023 but prior to that, both struggled with addiction for years. 

Given that Ryan and Amanda are living the sober life these days, and the fact that Amanda previously shared that she was planning to deliver her baby via C-section, fans on social media asked Amanda how this would work regarding her sobriety. Amanda revealed that plan last week on TikTok. 



According to Amanda, her doctor is aware of her “history” and knows that she is in recovery, claiming he is “all on-board” with whatever she needs to do to “not be on narcotics” during her recovery process. She went on to tell fans that, while epidurals contain “some form of narcotic,” it’s not enough for her to “feel it” or “get a buzz off of it,” suggesting that it wouldn’t be a concern for her. 

“Usually where the narcotics come into play is the recovery process, like, they usually [prescribe] narcotics to help you recover through the pain and stuff after the fact,” Amanda continued. 

Amanda then explained that her doctor will be prescribing her Toradol– a non-narcotic that Amanda said she has taken before to help with pain related to her kidney stones. 


“It’s literally, like, a little bit higher of a dose of Tylenol,” she said.

“I’m a bigger pain than any C-section could be.”

Amanda admitted that her doctor has warned her that, because she won’t be taking certain medications after giving birth, she’s in for a “rough recovery”; however, she said she’s OK with that. 

“Listen, it’s what, three to five days of pain, that’s the worst part of it,” she said. “And then I can handle the rest. One thing I am, like, set on is not doing any type of narcotics, just because I don’t ever want that taste in my mouth again.” 


As The Ashley told you earlier this week, Amanda and Ryan welcomed daughter Presley Sage Elianna Edwards on February 12. While Amanda intended to have a C-section next week, she posted Tuesday on social media that she was feeling sick, suggesting she was taken in earlier to have the baby.