Tamra Judge's Iconic "That's My Opinion!!!" Quote Lives On with New Exclusive Merch


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The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 9's most memorable exchange inspired our latest merch drop, and you can shop for it right here.

But first, let's look back at the iconic moment.

Here's how it happened: Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson famously had a heated conversation about Vicki's on-again, off-again boyfriend Brooks Ayers during the RHOC Season 9 reunion.

Conversations surrounding Vicki's former relationship were always tense, but it escalated as they unpacked some of the details with host Andy Cohen. First, in a flashback to the the RHOC Season 8 reunion, it was revealed that Brooks had spoken negatively about Vicki's daughter, Briana Culberson, and that their own relationship was strained as a result.

Shop Tamra Judge-inspired "That's my opinion!" merch

Jumping back to the Season 9 reunion (Season 9, Episode 19), Tamra confirmed she had heard the recording of Brooks that Brianna had mentioned the year previously.

"It's not acceptable," she said of Brooks' comments.

Here, Andy tried to moderate. "For you," he said, turning to Vicki, "Knowing that Tamra had said some things about Brooks behind your back this season—"

"No, wait, wait, let's rephrase that," Tamra cut in, "First of all, I never brought Brooks' name out. The only time I ever said anything is when I was asked."

"Okay—" Andy tried again.

"So what's going on," continued Tamra, beginning to raise her voice

"You were asked about him," he clarified.

"Right. I didn't think he was a good guy." She then addressed Vicki directly. "I told you halfway through the season, 'You know what, Vic, if this is what you want, I'm okay with it.'"

"Right," Vicki agreed.

"And you were fine fine fine until we got to Bali," which is when Lizzie Rovsek stepped in and confessed that she was the one who told Vicki what Tamra had said, 

Vicki admitted that "I was so flippin' upset" with Tamra when she heard about it.

"Why? Why? Why?" Tamra asked. "Because I don't think he's a good guy?"

"Because 'I don't think he's a good guy and he's a creep,'" Heather Dubrow chimed in.

"Do you know Brooks the way I know Brooks?" Vicki replied, growing heated, "No!"

Tamra tried another angle. "Vicki," she began delicately, "Have I ever let it be a secret that I didn't think it was great what he did to you?"

Andy reminded her that Tamra had expressed her thoughts on Brooks several times during the season, but hat didn't cool anyone off.

"I don't really care if you like him or not," Vicki said, adding, "You don't have to sleep with him. You don't have to vacation with him. You don't have to do anything with him!"

"I didn't say bad things about Brooks," retorted Tamra, "I said I don't think that he's good for you."

"How do you know what's good for me?" asked Vicki.

Tamra then gave the response heard around the world: "That's my opinion!!!!!!!"

Let people know it's just your opinion with our newest Bravo t-shirt and stream RHOC on Peacock.