Tamra Claims Ryan’s Home Was Raided by FBI and Slams Him Over Podcast Diss as He Fires Back & Feuds With Eddie, Shannon Butt Dials Tamra After John’s Lawsuit, Plus Heather Fights With Dr. Terry in Hot Mic Moment as He Undergoes Nose Surgery


RHOC Recap: Tamra Claims Ryan Was Raided by FBI as She Slams Him Over Podcast Diss and He Fires Back, Plus Shannon Accidentally Calls Tamra While Crying Over Article About John’s Lawsuit and Dr. Terry Undergoes Nose SurgeryOn the last episode of The Real Housewives of Orange CountyAlexis’s erratic behavior was questionable, but now it’s clear that John is about to retaliate against Shannon in what one can only assume will be a “dog fight.” Speaking of fighting, Tamra and Jenn are in a tough spot now that their husbands are on bad terms and all it takes is one dinner party hosted by Katie for things to explode…

Terry is getting a nose job!  But it’s a huge let-down when we realize Paul Nassif won’t be doing it and there will be no Botched cross over.  Sigh. 

According to Terry, his snoring has been out of control and so he has decided on a rhinoplasty. As Terry awaits the tests needed to clear him for surgery, Heather talks about the night before at Jenn’s.  Heather is unsure who her true friends are, especially when it comes to Gina and Emily.  It’s hard for Heather to get all the information about the Katie and Gina situation and she isn’t sure where to go with it.

When Terry tries to give advice, Heather talks over him, causing him to get frustrated and end the scene.  We love a good hot mic moment of Heather telling Terry, “You can’t admonish me on camera” (awkward) and he double-downs, pointing out that she keeps talking over him.  Heather caught overproducing? Shocking!

The last time Terry had a medical procedure was when they were fixing the whole in his heart post mini stroke. Now, it seems like Mr. Dubrow will do just fine with his upcoming surgery.

Ryan’s style is Ryan’s style.” Jenn lets us know that Ryan’s clothing, right down to his underwear, gets tailored. Ryan shops around but winds up picking out the same jacket that Eddie bought a little while back.  Guess Ryan isn’t as unique as he thought he was! This is also ironic considering where Eddie and Ryan stand nowadays.  Just as Tamra and Jenn start to get into a good place, the husbands fall off, all thanks to Ryan’s podcast interview.

According to Tamra, Ryan bashed her as a mother and Eddie as a businessman.  Ryan admits that he thinks “Eddie is not a dude” and that he is sick of the falsehoods and accusation made by Tamra and Eddie.  It was time for the truth to come out “versus Tamra’s fake reality.” It doesn’t seem like Ryan plans on apologizing for his words on the podcast and Eddie is not letting it go, referring to Ryan as a “scumbag.” How can these two be in a feud when they have matching best friend jackets?!

Shannon misses her daughters now that they are all self-sufficient and branching out.  She catches up with Adeline in NY and she talks about John’s lawsuit that has spiraled.  Shannon DID offer to pay John, but he wouldn’t sign a settlement agreement that he wouldn’t say bad things about Shannon.  So gross. Shannon doesn’t think she can go any lower…until a few hours later.

The news is officially out there in a People magazine article: Johnny J. sues Shannon for $75,000.  NOW it all makes sense why Alexis was acting so strange at Jenn’s party.  Of course Tamra is thriving in this chaos and immediately calls Shannon, since now it’s convenient to be her friend and get the hot goss.  Shannon does not answer, but she DOES butt dial Tamra.  Tamra, being the amazing friend she is, chooses not to hang up on Shannon (knowing she was being filmed) and goes as far as putting it on speaker for cameras to hear. 

Shannon is in hysterics during the butt dial, claiming that Alexis and her PR team are behind this. Tamra wonders why Shannon didn’t offer to pay what John wanted, but if Tamra was a true friend to Shannon, she would know that Shannon tried that route. Tamra doesn’t think that Alexis had anything to do with this, nor did she hire a publicist like Tamra heard during Shannon’s butt dial. But Heather’s right: for a man who doesn’t like the spotlight, Johnny J. sure has it on himself now…

Katie is hosting a few of the couples to her house in hopes of her husband making friends with their husbands. Heather will not attend.  She does not quite like Katie, and plus she is busy playing nurse. Terry has undergone his rhinoplasty and to me, the nose looks exactly the same. He doesn’t look like George Clooney, so Heather is a bit let down, but at least he won’t be disturbing her sleep with his snoring.

MattGina‘s ex, and his girlfriend, Britt, talk about their upcoming wedding.  Gina is excited for them and is happy that the kids get a sense of security, considering everything that is going on between her and Travis. Gina feels like things are difficult watching Matt move forward, whereas she has had to get some distance from Travis’s ex-wife and her “inability to effectively co-parent.” Gina feels like it is very unfair that she cannot be with the one she is meant to be with because of things out of her control as she refers to Travis’ ex as ‘crazy.’

Although Katie is having people over for dinner, she isn’t actually MAKING dinner.  She does warn her husband about the recent beef between Ryan and Eddie.  Ryan has been going after Tamra and Eddie for like two weeks and he did so on a podcast, openly. When Jenn and Ryan arrive, the whole mood changes, especially when Ryan and Eddie greet each other, coldly.  Diet cokes and Malibus get ordered and drinks get flowing, particularly for Tamra and Emily.

Everyone is looking at Eddie and Ryan with bated breath.  Tamra believes that Ryan crossed the line like a “little b*tch,” which is interesting considering Ryan refers to Eddie as a “baby b*tch.” Tamra is clearly getting toasted and in hopes of keeping his wife in line, Eddie asks Katie’s husband to refrain from serving Tamra, as if he is a paid bartender.

Over dinner, we learn that Katie and Matt have been married for 7.5 years and the polite chat does not last long.  Tamra asks, “Can we talk about Alexis the other night?” And here goes the pot stirrer.  Emily tries to explain that she works hard and seeing the size 12 dress at the fashion show hurt her psyche.  She doesn’t think Heather did that on purpose, but she wanted Heather to see her.  Tamra apologizes after hearing how insecure Emily is about her weight and she truly feels bad about it.

Tamra talks about the People magazine article and proceeds to let the table know about the butt dial.  What kind of friend is she for sharing this?  Shannon was hysterically crying that Alexis’s PR team was behind the article. Tamra learns that Shannon did offer to pay, but because John would not sign the non-disparagement clause, here we are today. 

And Shannon is home, navigating this alone, sick to her stomach.

Finally, the elephant in the room is brought up.  Tamra wonders why on the podcast Ryan talked badly about her as a mom and Eddie as a businessman.  Ryan feels validated in all that he said and the podcast gets played back proving that Eddie didn’t say anything about bad about Eddie.  In fact he said, “when I did hear about Tamra and Eddie, it was nothing positive.”  THAT does not translate to Eddie being a bad businessman.

Ryan claims that Eddie talked sh*t about him and he denies a rumor that friends went up to Eddie, warning him that Ryan sleeps with married women. Eddie doesn’t feel like Ryan is a threat to him and that is why he never confronted Ryan about the situation.  Jenn wonders why Tamra is doing what she is doing, which is always the question, isn’t it?

The hypocrisy is next level with Tamra.  She talked so much sh*t about Jenn and Ryan, but the minute something gets said about her and Eddie, it’s all over. Tamra goes on to rant that she told the truth, whereas Ryan ripped her apart on the podcast. The only questionable thing Ryan did was post a picture that said worry about “your own Ryan,” aimed at Tamra and her son.  Of course Tamra twists this and assumes this is a d*ck pic reference, something both Ryan’s have in common. 

Jenn cannot believe that Eddie is not jumping in to help control Tamra, but he claims he is not her “keeper.”  Tamra spirals, referring to Ryan as a “little b*tch” and Ryan wonders why she would talk like that at a dinner party at her age.  Tamra naturally spins this as age shaming and she digs deep to pull out a dark secret about Ryan.  Out of anger, Tamra blurts out, “How’s the FBI going for you?” Eddie tries his hardest to get Tamra quiet, but it’s almost too late. Evidently, and according to Tamra, Ryan’s home was raided by the FBI about six months ago for some kind of illegal gambling and Jenn knows all about it. Bombshell.

An angry Tamra storms off (is it because she was cut off?) and Ryan retorts that Tamra’s marriage is a sham and that Eddie is “soft.”  Tamra believes that no one in this group is prepared to see who the real Ryan is and then proceeds to trip down the steps on her way out…but Shannon needs to stop drinking.   To be continued…